
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Parasite Cleanse!

Hi folks I have been super busy working on some new things!! Since we last spoke I started a PARASITE cleanse.  As you know I’m always looking for ways to improve my body.  Over the last 18 months I’ve participated in the following wellness activities:

·         Dry brush challenge

·         30 Day raw food challenge

·         Liver flush

·         The Daniel fast

Well Diva Lifestyle formerly known as Soul Food Therapy with Renee Simpson RD (registered dietician) is sponsoring this parasite cleanse.  We are on day #3 and I’ve already broken rank.  Today is my birthday (Whooo hooooo!!) and I had a hankering for some Ice cream….so I jumped in and had my fill! It's  my birthday after all!  Give a girl a break! Please no judgment! J

Why is ice cream bad to have during a parasite cleanse?

1.       Parasites love sweet things! The purpose of the cleanse is to expel the parasites from your system…not continue to feed them.

2.       There are other things that one should refrain from while on a parasite cleanse.  Like most detox or cleanses, a diet of clean unprocessed food should be consumed.

3.       Grains like white rice and wheat should be avoided.  Sweet fruits like peaches, bananas, apples, and plums should be benched.

4.       A laxative or colon cleanser is a must to help get those parasite out!

5.       Green leafy veggies, pineapple, papaya, pumpkins seeds, garlic, ginger and hot spices should be widely consumed (among other parasite cleansing foods).

Here is what the cleanse consists of:

1.       The cleanse is for 14 days.

2.       Omit foods parasites love (FPL) and consume foods parasites hate (FPH).

3.       Drink cleansing tea (clove, wormwood, and black walnut hull are a must)

4.       Take a laxative or colon cleanser

5.       Balance gut flora with probiotics

Not so bad right?  Well the summer is my prime time for consumer my all time favorite fruit: WATERMELON.  It’s been hard to refrain from eating it, but there are quite a few options for what you can eat while on this cleanse…and the tea is wickedly bitter!!!

What can you gain by doing a parasite cleanse (besides removing them)?

1.       Decreased bloating

2.       Decreased excessive gas

3.       Increased energy

4.       Better sleep

5.       Better digestion
6.     An end to anal itching

If you consume meat or sushi…..or any other raw food (even fruits and vegetables) – you probably have parasites in your body. 

So far I’ve tweaked my smoothies and juices to meet the FPH criteria, and I’ve created some yummy salads like this spicy black bean salad shown below (IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!!).  Check out more of the foods parasite hate!

Amazing Spicy Black Bean Salad (black beans, tomatoes, peas, garlic, olive oil, onions, cumin, salt, lemon juice, dill, sage, cilantro, parsley)

Grilled vegetable kabobs (pineapple, onions, squash, zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers)

Gazpacho (tomatoes, onion, garlic, olive oil, basil, red pepper)

Parasite tea! YUCK!

Purple Dawn smoothie (blue berries, pineapple, papaya, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, coconut water)
Golden Tango smoothie: papaya, pineapple, banana, peaches, hemp seeds, chia seeds, turmeric powder - I was suppose to omit the banana and peaches......

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