
Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Hello good people!!! I'm back with another COLOR CHALLENGE update! I'm a little late with posting the latest happenings with the Juicing and Smoothie group....but last week's color challenge was PURPLE! Fruits and vegetables the color of royalty (purple) are packed with anthocyanins which can provide numerous benefits:

Here are the juices and smoothies I made and consumed for the PURPLE challenge!

Red Capple Juice: 1/2 red cabbage, 5 brocooli stalks (didn't want to waste anything), 5 apples, 1 inch of ginger, hibiscus (sorrel) tea

Banana Berry Smoothie: 2 bananas, 1 cup frozen raspberries, 1 cup frozen strawberries, hibiscus  (sorrel) tea, flax and chia seeds,  dash of organic cane sugar

PURPLE Passion smoothie: 2 bananas, 2 cups frozen raspberries, 1 cup frozen blueberries, flax seed milk, hibiscus (sorrel) tea, and  chia seeds

Purple Breeze smoothie: frozen pinapples, 2 D'anjou pears, 1 cup frozen raspberries, 1 cup frozen blueberries, apple juice, chia and flax seeds

All of the juices and smoothies were DELICIOUS!!!!  The group is really having fun with the color challenge.  It's been exciting to put different recipes together and to see what others have created!  We're spreading the fruit and veggie love one cup at a time!!  Next color is RED!

What's YOUR favorite purple fruit or vegetable??

Peace and Love

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tress Update #13 - I got a puff now ya'll!

Hi Folks - It's been quite a while since I've provided a hair update (besides reporting on my fungus problem).  So I am pleased to report that I have an official PUFF!!! I've hesitated to pull my hair back because I don't like the Sarafina look. Well I don't have to worry about that anymore! I'm happy about my growth and still need to work on tackling this fungus!!  Check it out:

Look at that PUFF!

Side view


Front view

On the go with a shout out to the Motherland!

The Juicing/Smoothie COLOR CHALLENGE - GREEN

Hi Folks! This week is all about GREEN smoothies and juices!  Orange week went well.  The crew had some great recipes to share.  Click here to join the fun! Since some of the team members thought GREEN week would be easy we've asked everyone to expand their green vocabulary by using different/unique ingredients.  All shades are welcome! :)

I've used cilantro in all of my drinks this week.  Not only is it high in chlorophyll, but it can help remove heavy metals from your body.  Check out what I've been drinking this week:

Kale pear juice: kale, cilantro, apple, pears (bosc and cactus), savoy cabbage

Prep for green green juice (see next picture)

Green green juice: Kale, apples, ginger, cilantro, green cabbage, lemon

More greens full of goodness: parsley, chard, dandelion, dill and lacinto kale

Stay tuned for next week's color challenge: PURPLE

Peace and love,