
Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Juice Journey: More Mint Please!

Hey Folks!  I'm back with another juice recipe that contains mint.  I'm calling it the Cooling Nectar!  The recipe came about when the almost summer heat started pumping and Caleb broke out in a heat rash.  The ingredients are simple and it tastes oh so good! 

Ever heard of the saying: "cool as a cucumber"? I'm sure it came about because cucumbers are full of water, minerals and vitamins that can fuel your system better than an artificial sports drink.  Apples are added to give sweetness and mint has a great cooling capacity.  Lemon balm is in the mint family and is used for insomnia, headaches, nervous indigestion, and curing melancholy or depression.  In the wintertime we drank hot lemon balm tea with honey and hemp seed milk.  It was delicious and had a "sleepy time" effect on Caleb the night owl.  Lemon balm also has a wonderful aroma. Burning lemon balm essential oil can give your home a pleasant boost.  Not only will the juice cool you down it will relax your body and ease digestion...and it tastes great - did I say that already?   Here is the recipe.

Cooling Nectar:
2 large Cucumbers
4 Granny Smith apples
10 stalks of mint
4 stalks of lemon balm

Lemon balm
Granny Smith apples


Fruit ready for the juicer!

Apple cucumber juice

For a bigger hit of mint, I juiced the apples and cucumbers first, then blended it with the mint and lemon balm
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Blended juice
Blended juice - look at all that chlorophyll! Yum!
Also, both the mint and lemon balm cam directly from our back yard which I LOVE!

Ready to cool down? What is your favorite juicing ingredient?

Peace and love,

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