
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Two Week Juice Challenge - Week 2

Hi Folks! The Two Week Juice Challenge is on it's last leg.  But there is a resounding cry to keep it we will!  If you are interested in joining the group please let me know.  We are sharing recipes and encouraging each other to keep living the juicy life!

Here is a testimony from one participant: "I am having fun! I am almost replacing  dinner with a smoothie because I am just not as hungry as I was before but I feel good!! If we are alive then why don't we eat more live food? How can a living body survive on dead food? I am so encouraged to keep going and live!"

That testimony makes me so happy!  I feel the same way.  I've added in smoothies when there is no time for making juice, and for some reason I've been a hungry hungry hippo this week so I've supplemented my juice breakfast with oatmeal twice. 

Here are some of the juices/smoothies I've made this week:

Beet Juice - beets (2 large),  carrots (5), celery (12 ribs), ginger (1 inch) and lemon (1) 

Kiwi Basil smoothie - cucumber (1), banana (1), kiwi (2), orange (2), basil (1/2 bunch)

Mango Delight Juice - mango (2), pineapple (2 cups), honey dew melon (3 cups), orange (2), ginger (2 inches), cucumber (1)

Banging Broccoli Juice - broccoli (1.5 cups), pineapple (1 cup), orange (3), green apple (3), ginger (1inch), kiwi (4), basil (2 stems)

All of the juice has been packed with vitamins and minerals.  The beet juice needed 5 more carrots and the kiwi basil smoothie needed one more banana.  All others were AMAZINGLY TASTY!  I don't like torturing myself with bad tasting healthy food.  Healthy food DOES NOT have to taste bad!

I started having PMS symptoms  this week and to combat the possible hormone imbalance I tried to beef up my mineral intake by adding beets and broccoli to the party. 

What kinds of juices or smoothies have you made this week?

Peace and love!

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