
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Juicing Journey: Detox by Juicing! Reposted....

Good morning!! Since I'm on a juicing kick, I decided to re-post an article I wrote last year about the benefits of juicing (and juice fasting).  Now, I am not doing a juice fast, but the info is still good to keep in mind!


Hi Folks!

Last night I took part in a juicing Q&A session sponsored by Soul Food Therapy, where it is Juicy June Month.  It was great! The guest was Kareen (a dietician) of  I am Eating Right

Have you ever heard of a film called: "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"? Well it's about a man who cleans up an extremely overweight and unhealthy body by going on a juice fast for 60 days. 

This is what Kareen has done....TWICE!

Juicing for improved health is becoming a fast moving train.   I was enlightened on some things last night that I want to share with you.  As posted in The Juice Journey, I've dabbled in juicing and still make juices now....but I've never tried a juice fast.

Key Points:
1.  9 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables per day can boost your body's cancer fighting ability.

2. If using juice to replace a meal,  drink 32 ounces.

3. Benefits to juicing: increases energy levels,  you consume more veggies, and you look better (skin, hair and nails).

4. If partaking in a juice fast YOU MUST PREPARE YOUR BODY by eliminating junk (processed foods, caffeine, etc. one to two weeks prior).  And this goes for any type of  detox or cleanse.  (I am a witness!!!)

5. Exercise levels while on a juice fast will depend on you! Also, protein can be added to the juice if necessary.

6. Smoothies and juices are both excellent ways to fuel your body. Note that smoothies contain more fiber and will not give your digestive system a complete rest like juices will.  Juicing removes all insoluble fiber allowing the nutrients to be delivered in an clean, pure format.  There is a higher concentration of nutrients in juice compared to smoothies.

7. Juice fasting can last from one day to 60 days. A one day juice fast can help clease your palate and give your system a rest.

8. Discipline key in following any juicing or detox plan.  Having an accountability partner will help greatly.  It's a challenging experience not just physically but mentally and emotionally.  Personally, when you conquer the task of having self control, you have a deep feeling of accomplishment.  This is how I felt after my airplane food challenge (The Food Journey: Airplane Food).  Succeeding in the last two challenges have boosted my self control and is helping to keep me on track with this new challenge.

The first time Kareen did the 60 day juice fast she lost 40 POUNDS!!!

Because a juice fast is a form of detoxification, some adverse symptoms may rear their ugly heads.  According to Kareen, detox symptoms are the worst on Day 2 through Day 4, and decrease around Day 5.   I can attest to this.  We are on Day #4 of the 30 Day RAW Food Challenge and I have been feeling it!

Luscious Lacinto Kale Juice( Great Juice recipe!)
Grapefruit Mango Smoothie

Happy Juicing!

Peace and Blessings!

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