
Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Juice Journey - Juicing waste!

Hi Folks!

I've been a juicing maniac these last 10 days.  The two week juice challenge is going SO well, some participants want to go beyond the two week time frame! I'm game and think it's wonderful!!! :)

A question that comes to mind, especially when you juice on a regular basis, is "what can be done with the juicing waste".   The pulp or juicing waste, is a big part of the clean up and is what makes smoothies preferred (less waste and clean up) at times.

There are two things I typically do with my waste or pulp:

1. Put it in baggies, freeze and use for smoothies or
2. Use it for compost.

By far, most of our juicing waste/pulp get's used for compost.

What else can be done with juicing waste?? What do you do with it?

Share your ideas!!

Peace and love!

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