
Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Juice Journey: Carrot Celery Ginger Juice

Here is another juice I created that your body will thank you for.  Carrot celery ginger juice!

You receive a healthy dose of Pro vitamin A by consuming carrots but what I didn't know is that they are  also good for your skin.  Celery, along with it's distinctive flavor profile can help treat psoriasis and alkalizes your body! Celery is also good for lowering cholesterol levels.   You can't go wrong with this juice!

Here's how it's made:

Step 1 - gather, wash and peel all ingredients
Carrots (orange and yellow), celery, lime and ginger
 Step 2 - Juice all ingredients then strain (not pictured)

 Step 3 - ENJOY!


Try it and tell me what you think!! :)

Peace and love!

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