
Monday, July 15, 2013

The Health Journey: Becoming your body's BFF....

Hi Folks....

I took a break from writing over the last week because I have been EXTREMELY EXHAUSTED.  I have been totally void of all that good raw energy I became acquainted with over the last few weeks during the 30 Day Raw Food Challenge .  So tired in fact that I started having flash backs of my first trimester while pregnant with Caleb.  I went for walks outside to clear my head and I could have fallen asleep while walking.....I was done....finished.....way-layed.....

Confession time:  I fell asleep at my desk.........AND I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A TASK.......that is some serious fatigue.....

Granted I was working with 4 to 6 hours of sleep per night but I was also incorporating cooked foods back into my diet.  I've gone off of 4 to 6 hours a sleep per night before and have NEVER felt this crazy! So I can only deduce that it was the food! It had to be the food! And no..I was not chowing down on oxtails and mac and cheese!

I was talking to my girlfriend who did a three day juice fast a few weeks ago and as she began to incorporate food back into her diet a similar thing happened.  She was bloated...and sick....and EXHAUSTED! She recognized that certain foods were NOT jiving with her system (namely bread and some grains)....and has vowed to STAY AWAY from them.  I'm using all these capital letters to EMPHASIZE the point I'm about to make. 

Here it is: Once you clean your system up and begin to reintroduce food (especially the food that you should not have in the first place) your body will REBEL.  It will talk to you.  It will let you know what it can and cannot handle.  Brain fog or the "itis" is NOT cute and it signals that you ate the wrong thing.  In order to truly be healthy you have to be your body's BFF (Best Friend Forever).  Pay close attention to the headaches, joint pain, bloating, constipation, acne and all other ill effects that may come from eating and drinking things your body does not need.  Keep a food journal to track reactions.  PAY ATTENTION! Sometimes we suffer with headaches and other ailments and have just accepted them like that's how our bodies are supposed to feel. We do not have to suffer as much as we do.   I ignored chronic leg pain for years and just suffered through it.  

After a cleanse your body is more sensitive and fresh.  It will tell you immediately if you've consumed something you should not have.  LISTEN.  If you do not listen it's like committing  suicide.  Everyday   people  are   killing themselves slowly with what they put in their mouths. Because dairy products make me feel sick...I have to completely eliminate dairy from my diet.  If I don't then I'm causing unnecessary injury to my body.  I'm making my body confront known offenders...ON PURPOSE...and to me that's lunacy. To cope with the lost of ice cream I'll be buying an ice cream maker in the next few weeks so I can get my cream on this summer with elements that will NOT make me sick.  Enough is enough. 

So I had to go back to eating MOSTLY ALL raw foods (80 - 90%) to give my body a break and a chance to bounce back!  I'm not mad....I'm actually happy about it.  I like feeling light on my feet, alert after eating and full of energy.

I have a new BFF and she is pretty cool!

Are you friends with your system???

Peace and blessings!


  1. It's true, only after seven day raw, the affects are simular. I have not regressed completely but struggle with time to get raw recipes together. So I eat the same things and its getting boring.

    1. Hi Dianne! Congratualtions on going raw for seven days!! can be difficult to find new things to eat. That's why the 30 day plan was so great. If you send me a private email I'll send you the plan we used to give you some variety. Try not to reintroduce too many toxins to your body! It hurts! :)


Please share your thoughts, comments or questions! We are on this Journey TOGETHER!