
Monday, July 8, 2013

The Health Journey: The Raw Detox Aftermath.......

Hi folks....

It's been a week post the raw 30 day challenge.  You are probably wondering what I've been doing, what I've been eating....and how I feel. I provided the 13 main lessons learned from the challenge last week and I'm still absorbing the learnings and converting to a new lifestyle.  So far so good!

What I've been doing:
I'm still training for my Duathalon (biking, running, lifting weights).  I've also been using my self control and perseverance muscles to help me through some personal struggles.  I keep thinking about the resolve I had to last 30 FULL DAYS! That blessing is keeping me focused!

What I've been eating:
I've been eating both cooked and raw foods.  I would say most days I've been 75% raw.  They say it takes 21 days to form a habit....I went hard (minus the rebellion) for 30 straight days.  I have definitely formed a habit! A good one at that! Some examples of my meals include:
  • chia porridge with hemp milk, seeds and nuts
  • more bruchetta (this time on veggie pasta)
  • salads (with added rice on occasion)
  • more smoothies and juices
  • mashed potatoes
  • vegetable Pad Thai
  • CHIPS!!! But just enough to wet my appetite.
  • lots of fruit!
  • lots of nuts!
  • chocolate cake (C'mon! It was Independence Day! And it was GOOD! - Big up Xan!)
I have not had: ice cream, SNICKERS!, tons of bread, and a lot of other processed foods.  My taste buds have been slightly reformed.

How I'm feeling:
I noticed a strange thing the other day: I now have a bionic nose and tongue.  My sense of smell and taste are heightened.  For example: I ate slices of conventional and organic apples at the same time and I COULD taste the soap/pesticides on the conventional apple! I have NEVER been able to tell the difference before.  Just call me Super Zahra!

The other thing is that I am way more aware of my body.  The slightest tinge of pain does not go unnoticed.  My libido has also increased! Okay...TMI (too much information)...but you know what? It's true and a great benefit from CLEANING out my system!

So folks - I'm pressing on the upward heights I'm gaining everyday!  Yesterday I overate....and I COULD FEEL IT.  All I ate for the remainder of the day was good ole watermelon (More Watermelon Please!)

Thinking about detoxing?  What program are you going to try??

Peace and blessings!


  1. Zahra, I started 30 Days of Gluten-Free on July 1. Being a breadaholic, and a major bread baker, I thought it would be harder. I've been GF for 8 days now. I haven't really felt any different, but my husband thinks I'm more energetic (been getting some projects done that I've procrastinated over for a loooonnng time).

    1. Hi Jean! That's awesome! So what is your "go to" food? I saw the recipe for GF peach pie last looks really tasty!

  2. Hi Jean! That's awesome! So what is your "go to" food? I saw the recipe for GF peach pie last looks really tasty!

  3. Thanks NekiNaturals!! It's been quite a ride! :)

  4. Zahra,
    I'm not raw, but I can definitely relate to the increased awareness of my body and the slightest tinge of pain. I thought it was just me. It is so good to have confirmation. Its not easy being gluten,dairy, soy,corn, and rice free,but I have to say most days I'm really happy with vegetables, fruit, nut, eggs, and the occasional salmon. So happy you are sharing.

    1. Hi Eswhyef - I'm glad this post has resonated with you! Thanks for your comment! :) Isn't it amazing how much better our bodies can function when we clean up our diet? If I may ask, are you allergic to gluten, dairy, soy, corn and rice or just prefer not to consume those things? My son Caleb is allergic to a number of things as well (dairy, eggs, soy, gluten, rye, barely, oat) and it's been quite interesting finding things that he can eat. What has been your experience with finding healthy alternatives? It sounds like you've got it down pat!


Please share your thoughts, comments or questions! We are on this Journey TOGETHER!