
Note to Readers

Welcome to The Natural Journey For Life! Thanks for visiting!  I hope you will find something on this Journey that will speak to your soul and encourage you to live a better, natural, and healthier life!

Before you take off I want to share two tidbits:

The ideas, views and information posted on this site have not been approved by the FDA.  The methods discussed for optimal health are based on my research and personal experience.  Please consult your health care professional on any issues you may have. 

I welcome all comments. I'm waiting for more!! :) Short ones, long ones, insightful ones and I love comedy.  However I ask that all comments be respectful and kind to all forms of humanity.  I'm okay with opposing views as long as the discussion remains healthy.  As the author of this blog I reserve the right to edit/remove all inappropriate comments.

Now that that's out of the way.........Let's enjoy this ride together!!


  1. Zahra, James and I have reviewed your blog!!! Great, I love it. It is inspiring. I will be sure to take pics of murals if I see any or other interested art on the streets of the ATL! Perhaps I will try a recipe or two. However, I am frightened by the "season the taste" quantities. I love your many hairstyles. Keep working it, sista-ga!

    1. Hi Kenya! A big thanks to you and James for reviewing and supporting The Natural Journey For Life!!!!! Your encouragement means the world to me (BIG GRIN!!) Don't be afraid of the "season to taste" quantities...just use your palate's judgement....get in tune with your taste vibrations...and you'll be amazed at the creative juices that will start to flow!!


Please share your thoughts, comments or questions! We are on this Journey TOGETHER!