
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Slamming Smoothie Contest - IT'S TIME TO VOTE!

It's been quite a week! I want to say another HUGE THANK YOU to all of the contest participants! I love the variety of the smoothies we've seen this week.  There is something for everyone in this mix! The unique nature of each recipe was also impressive. Hmmmmm....... I wonder if you can tell a lot about a person by the type of smoothies they create. My guess is YES! :)

Here is a recap (click on the name of each smoothie for the recipe):

Jackpot by Kenya Carl

Incredible Hulk 2 by Rona Daniel

Chocolate Breeze by Marrea Thomas

Green Delight by Danike Etufugh

Cherry Berry Heaven by Chansi Coleman
The taste test will be TOUGH all of the smoothies look and sound AMAZING!!

Stay tuned for the recipe and photo winners!

Peace and Love!

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