
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Plants are Cool : Plantain The Anti-Poison

Herbal Bush House  is back to tell us about another wonderful creation in the “Plants Are Cool” spotlight.   I’ve posted about products that I’ve used in the past made by Herbal Bush House and they’ve kindly agreed to do a monthly post on herbs to enlighten us all.

Herbal Bush House is dedicated to promoting knowledge of the use of food, herbs and water through educational programs within the community.  Their mission is to empower people with wisdom and understanding of the use of nature’s blessings to promote healthier lifestyles.

Plantain - The Anti-Poison:

The Plantain you find on the lawn is usually Plantago Major. It is a broad-leafed plant that stays low to the ground, and has a little crooked seed stem that grows up out of the middle of the plant. Plantago lanceolata is usually found in backyards and waste places. It is a long narrow leaf with the veins that run parallel from stem to tip. Some plants will grow a foot tall and the seed stem grows straight up from the middle of the plant sometimes reaching heights of two feet.

Plantago Major

Plantago Lanceolata
Plantain is an infection fighter for the immune system. It fights blood poisoning, kidney and bladder infection, poisonous bites and stings. Here is a testimonial story. A man took his favorite dog on a hunt one day, the dog was bitten on the shoulder by a diamondback rattlesnake. When he got the dog back home, he put some plantain juice on the bite, the dog kept licking the juice off. He put some plantain juice in a bowl and the dog lapped it up. Then he smashed up some plantain leaves and put it on the dogs shoulder for a couple days. The dog laid around the first day , the second day she was up and down, but the third day she seemed normal , thanks to plantain.
Plantain is one of those herbs recommended for many ailments: poisonous bites and stings, boils and carbuncles, tumors, inflammation, eczema, thrush, blood poison, yeast infection, ulcers, bed-wetting, poison ivy and many more. Plantain leaves are best used fresh, the plant can be put in a blender roots and all. The macerated fresh leaves can be put on bee stings and used for skin irritations. The important constituents of plantain is the gluside aucubin and allantoin. Plantain can also be used for burns, cuts and wounds and insect and flea bites as well.

Plantain (Plantago Major)
Ribwort Plantain (Plantago Lanceolata)

Look for plantain in your back yard!! I wonder if you will find it?  I know we've used it for Caleb's oil and leaf form.

Peace and love!

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