
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Caleb's Corner - Soup for Days!

Hi Folk’s it’s been awhile since I’ve shared a bit of fun from Caleb’s life.  Since the last update he has turned three years old.  He is a wonderful soul that keeps us laughing and amazed!

Ever since he was around one and a half years old he’s been eating soup.  Yes…you heard right……..SOUP!  Needless to say I have become quite the soup maker over the last two years. 

I’ve stated before that he has many food allergies (diary, eggs, soy, tree nuts, peanuts, barley, wheat, rye, oats) and soup is an allergy friendly way of giving him protein, grains, vegetables and an overall hearty meal.  Legumes are a staple in our home and I’ve come to love Carribean root vegetables like cassava and yucca.  

Here is a soup that Caleb loves to eat with rice.  He’ll eat anything with rice.  He’ll even eat rice all by itself!

It’s a simple vegan red lentil soup.  Lentils are high in fiber, iron and can combat high cholesterol, constipation and anemia.  Because the red lentils are so small they don't take long to cook at all. When you are pressed for time, red lentils are a good choice.
Red Lentil Soup:
soaked red lentils
sea salt
garlic powder
chopped onions
anise seed
fresh chopped cilantro
coconut oil

1.       Soak lentils overnight

2.       Boil lentils on high for 15 minutues in water

3.       Add seasonings: salt, anise seed, turmeric, chopped onions, garlic powder (all to taste)

4.       Let cook until smooth

5.       Add coconut oil and cilantro to finish

That’s it! Total time:  20 – 25 minutes.  You can also add kale, carrots, potatoes and anything else that suits your fancy!

Red lentil soup with brown rice

Caleb! Ready to eat!
Peace and love!

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