
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Detoxification: Liver and Onions Part 4

Let the flush begin!!!

This week is all about the FLUSH!  I spent the last 4 weeks  preparing  for this.   I'm  finally going through with the liver flush.

Here is what this week will consist of:

Day 1  and 5 - Raw food
  • Step 1 - Drink 8 oz of purified water
  • Step 2 - Drink the liver gall bladder flush mix (see below)
  • Step 3 - Drink liver gall bladder tea, blood detox tincture, anti parasite tincture, echinacea/golden seal tincture (this should be repeated 3 times during the day)
  • Step 4 - Drink morning nutritional smoothie
  • Step 5 - Consume only raw fruit and vegetables

Day 2, 3, 4 - Juice Fast
  • Step 1 - Drink 8 oz of purified water
  • Step 2 - Drink the liver gall bladder flush mix
  • Step 3 - Drink liver gall bladder tea, blood detox tincture, anti parasite tincture, echinacea/golden seal tincture (this should be repeated 3 times during the day)
  • Step 4 - Drink morning nutritional smoothie
  • Step 5 - Drink fruit juice, vegetable juice herbal teas and potassium broth all day long

Day one is complete and I'm on to the juice fast.  I did not cheat yesterday!  I completed all steps with some irritation.  I WAS HUNGRY! I WANTED TO EAT MORE THAN FRUIT and VEGETABLES!  But I did not cheat - even when a co-worker began chomping on peanut M&Ms of all things!!!!!!!  I stuck to the plan as outlined! Whoop whoop!! 

Here is what I ate:

Breakfast - Nutritional smoothie (star fruit, mango, green apple, spirulina, banana, alkaline water)
Snack - banana
Lunch - Green salad (romaine lettuce, arugula, snap peas, carrots, cucumber, peppers, dried cranberries, and chick peas)
Snack - carrot sticks and grapes
Dinner - Smoothie (cherries, green grapes, avocado, fruit pulp (from juicer), alkaline water)

Here is the liver gall bladder flush mix:
  • 8oz of fresh citrus juice (grapefruit, orange, tangerine, etc.)
  • 8oz of purified water
  • 1 - 5 cloves of garlic (start with one and increase daily)
  • 1-5 tablespoons of olive oil (start with one and increase daily)
  • ginger root (1 inch)

Liver gall bladder flush mix - orange, grapefruit, garlic, ginger, olive oil

Fresh juice

The mix  in the blender

Finished blend

 Here are the tincture ingredients:
Anti parasite tincture

Blood detox tincture

Echinacea and goldenseal tincture

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