
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Detoxification: The Juice Fast

Hi Folks! This is day #2 of the juice fast.  I’m hanging in there. But it’s tough!  Yesterday was the first day and I had horrible headaches for most of it.  When I increased my water intake, the pain subsided a bit.  But I’m not sure if the headaches are detox symptoms or allergy symptoms….For some reason, I think I may have acquired seasonal allergies this year.  Hmmmm…..there is more to come on the allergy hypothesis!

The first day of the juice fast:

I was able to have a smoothie in the morning, but the rest of the day was filled with juice, water, herbal tea and potassium (vegetable broth).  There are no rules when it comes to the type of juice you can drink during the flush. So I’ve been operating like a juiceologist (is that a word???). Oh! I had a very small salad with greens to accompany my veggie broth for lunch.

I have a confession:  I ate three tablespoons of red beans and mashed potatoes (which are not on the approved list) last night!!!

Emotional triggers:
Since I’ve discovered/admitted that I am an emotional eater, stress triggers have been all around me (especially at work).  Normally I turn to sweets (ice cream, candy bars, etc.) but yesterday (and today for that matter), I’ve turned to my inner spirit (the Holy Spirit) to get me in check!  Three tablespoons of red beans and mashed potatoes is better than a candy bar for sure!! So I am not going to beat myself up or feel guilty about eating it.  I have too many other things going on that could beat me up….I’m not going to do it to myself!  Can I get a witness!! J

Detox symptoms from the juice fast:

1 – Headaches?

2 – Emotional irritation

3 – Hunger!!!

Here are the juice recipes:

Mean green (Juicer: Omega):

½ bunch of lacinto kale

½ bunch of dill

½ bunch of rainbow chard

½ bunch of parsley

½ bunch of dandelion

Mean green ingredeints (dill, parsley, kale, dandelion and rainbow chard)
A closer look at each green (note the leaf type and shape)

Omega juicer squeezing the greens

Mean green prior to dilution

Carrot Delight (Juicer: Jack LaLane):

8 Celery ribs

6 large carrots

3 golden beets

½ head of red cabbage

2 inches of ginger root

Juice prior to straining
Mean green and Carrot delight! :)



Peace and love!

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