
Friday, February 21, 2014

Daniel Fast Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  After sleeping all night (hopefully), your body is ready for some nourishment (I know mine is!).  That's what "breakfast" is....breaking an all night fast.  Some people don't have appetites in the morning, but I think there's a disconnect least drink a cup of tea! One of Caleb's favorite morning meals is chia porridge with bananas.  I remixed his morning favorite to suit my Daniel fast needs. 

Chia porridge with hemp seed milk, strawberries, bananas, pears and a touch of granola.  YUMMY! If you have not tried chia yet, please do!  It's such a wonderful seed full of nutrition.  It will take on any flavor you add to it and is excellent for weight loss.

Chi Chi Chi Chia!!

Eat up!

Peace and love!

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