
Monday, December 2, 2013

The Hair Journey: No Heat Straightening

Hi Folks! During hair month we featured a story about a woman named Akua who shared her wash and go routine.  Well Akua has been exploring new styling techniques and has shared her experience with no heat straightening in this post.

Here's a reminder of Akua's normal wash and go look:

Wash and Go
By washing and pulling her hair back into a pony tail and very large braids Akua has been able to achieve a straightened look without using any heat. Take a look:

Dry and wavy
Up Do - front and back

Up do - left and right sides
Wow! I'm loving Akua's new styles....espcially the Mohawk!! I cannot wait to be able to do this to my hair!

What do you think about Akua's new look???

Peace and blessings!

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