
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Saving Money....Saving the Earth - Community Supported Agriculture

Hi Folks! 

I've been silent for a few weeks.  No the liver detox did not wipe me out (Liver Onions and Divas), but a two week cold virus did. Plus Caleb got the bug and I've been in quarantine -- I mean cooped up in the house for 5 days straight!! Can you say stir crazy!

Well this post is all about sharing the Community Supported Agriculture love - aka CSA.

I joined one this fall and I am SO excited!!!!!!!!!!!  First of all I will be saving approximately $500 over the next 7 weeks on my grocery bill.  Second of all it's good to give back and keep small farmers alive.  Did I say that everything is ORGANIC and FRESH????

So here is the bounty from the first week:

Pumpkin, garlic, beets, tomatoes, sweet potatoes (white and orange), leek, spinach, chard, turnips, green leaf lettuce, cabbage (unknown variety), radish
I've been charged with making great dishes with all of these wonderful veggies...but I've never prepared turnips, radishes or I'm going to need some help.

Here are some meals I started with: 

Yellow split pea soup with garlic and spinach

Vegetable soup with awesome Asian inspired broth and thin rice noodles.  Broth contained: vegetable stock, miso, soy sauce, honey, red pepper, coconut oil, lime, ginger, garlic) CSA veggies used: unknown cabbage, spinach.  Other veggies used: carrots, green onions

 Other items I made this week (not pictured) were:
  • green juice with (kale, chard, dandelion greens, green apples, ginger and lime)
  • salad with unknown cabbage, chard, kale, green apples, carrots, sprouts, dill, green onion (dressing: garlic, olive oil, salt, lime, honey)
  • pasta using  the CSA tomatoes and garlic

I'm just hoping we won't let any of this good food go to waste.  Neighbors beware! We're gonna come a knocking if the bounty begins to overflow! :)

Any good turnip, radish and leek recipes out there???

Peace and blessings!

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