
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Food Journey: Falling for Apples!

Hi Folks! We spent two entire months dedicated to hair on The Natural Journey For that fall has arrived and the fruit and vegetable season is changing I want to talk about my favorite fall fruit! The APPLE!  We've all heard the saying: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".  Let's see how:

Golden Delicious apple
Four reasons why we should eat apples:
1. The apple is packed with enzymes that are good for digestion.
2. It's a fruit low in saturated fat and filled with fiber (0% and 12% of Daily Values (DV)).
3. The peeling is packed with antioxidants that help quench free radicals roaming around in our bodies namely Vitamin C (10% of DV)
4. The apple is packed with magnesium and phosphorus (2 and 4% of DV respectively).

Why I love to eat apples:
Along with the 4 reasons I listed above, my favorite part about the apple is that you can make so many scrumptious food items with it and don't forget the thousands of varieties that exist.  You can make: sauce, juice, cider, cake, crisps, pies, chutney, salsa, fried apples, and apple butter!  Remember: adding an apple to your fresh green juice rounds out the flavor profile and provides a mild sweetness.  Mmmmm mmm! Of course the best way is to eat an apple is in it's natural raw state.  That way you are getting all the vitamins, minerals and available enzymes.  But I'm a sucker for a good apple crisp...

The Orchard
This past weekend we took a trip to a nearby apple orchard.  It was my first time at an orchard and I left with a HEAP of apples....I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all of them, but I am looking forward to exploring the possibilities! We picked and tasted apples for hours. 

The Orchard

We picked: Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Empire and McIntosh apples. 
 And tasted........


Tasting the Golden Delicious apple
And tasted......
Tasting the Red Delicious apple
 And tasted.....
Tasting the Empire apple

If you can get to an orchard to pick your own apples, please do! It's a great experience!  Plus it's an all you can eat affair.  I loved tasting the apples before I put them in my bag.  It was a wonderful rustic treat!
What is your favorite apple dish?
Peace and blessings! 


  1. My favorite apple is the gala apple and the honey crisp apple. The kids love apples too. My favorite apple dish would be apple pie, apple cobbler or some type of apple crisp. Apple sauce is also a staple in my house. We will be going to pick apples in the next few weeks. I am looking forward to it.

    1. Hey Akua! Ya'll are going to have SO MUCH fun! I love baked apple treats as well. Honey Crisps are awesome...too bad they didn't have any at the orchard we visited!


Please share your thoughts, comments or questions! We are on this Journey TOGETHER!