
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Caleb's Corner: Gardening with a Toddler

It's important for children to know where their food comes from.  We are teaching Caleb to compost and how to garden.  Yes...He's only 2 years old but as we all know, toddlers are sponges and can learn just about anything you put in front of them.  So off we go to the garden!

In the garden
This year Caleb assisted in harvesting jalepeno peppers, basil and kale, planting herbs and was keen on watering all things...even the pavement! Recently he's started tearing leaves off of the house plants.....not ideal, but I like to think he's in "harvest" mode.  LOL! Yeah right!

Picking peppers

Picking peppers
Picking peppers

Watering the drooping tomato plants

He's even been on Dad's riding lawn mower! Have mercy!
On the riding mower!

It's important for children to spend time in the sunshine and vegetation. In this day and age of increasing technology you have to expose them to another side of life.  Living green things!  Caleb is also well versed in "shooing" away mosquitoes. 

If you have a garden, make sure your children partake in caring for it.  It will build an appreciation for good food and love for the environment!


Get out in the fall weather and enjoy!

Peace and blessings!


  1. Teach a child ... ! You are certainly on the right track!

    1. Hi Kathy! Thanks for the encouragement! When we teach them they will know and can teach others when they are able.

  2. And a little child shall lead them.... Caleb is inspiring me to do more gardening. Forget the pots, I need a house with a sunny backyard for a real garden! Great pics!

    1. Hi Kenya! I love teaching him to care for plants and his environment! It's such a blessing and important for his growth. Stick to the pots if that's all you have right now! Keep growing....:)


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