
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

In Pursuit of a Curl Pattern: Coping skills

Hi Folks!  Kiki is back with another update!  She has not fired up the blow dryer of flat iron despite second guessing her curly journey and not knowing what to do with her hair. 
Let's see what she's up to this week!  Here is Kiki in her own words:
Whew,  what's going to happen today?  
Will I succumb to temptation and keep straightening my hair?  Do I keep doing what has worked and what will end this journey of suspense?   LOL!   What are my options?  Go back to using heat so I can do something with my hair OR find someone to braid my hair again.   At this time, I am willing to do both but I am resolved to fight for my curl pattern until I succeed or am defeated.  I admit, I don't mind being defeated, but I will try to continue with this journey. 
It is Friday at 9am and if I am not going to use heat, the only place I can go is the infamous African Braiding shop near my house.  I hate to give my money to this shop.  They are so trifling but that's another story on another day, another blog.
This is what I decided to do:

Kinky twists

Kinky twists
Well, well well! Who is that and where has she been?  Is this the "me"  that, after having decades of long hair, made a very serious declaration to no longer have hair that passes my shoulders????  WHAT?!  Yep!  Who would have known that on Day 25, Kenya  would return.  Her husband sure did not see that one coming.   Look at his face... Happy, Happy, Happy .   
Happy Husband
 He keeps staring at me.  Stalker!   I don't have the heart to tell him that it is so temporary, I still don't want long hair and it's not mine.  LOL!    Enjoy it James! 
Wow Kiki!!! You are STILL holding strong and I love it!! I'm also glad that the hubby is happy....even if it's only temporary!
Kiki is finding ways to cope and is determined to get her curls back.  Transitioning can be tough....but the end result is SO worth it.  Keep it up! 
Peace and blessings!

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