
Monday, September 23, 2013

A Styling Frenzy!

Hi Folks!  One of the reasons I LOVE my natural hair is the versatility of styles I can create.  I'm the type of person who likes VARIETY! I like variety in my food, clothes, shoes, home décor, and exercise programs. Variety is the spice of life and I like it SPICY! So....I've been trying various styles and products over the last few weeks that help me cope with my growing tresses and the "in between" stages.  Each style expresses my mood or state of mind on that particular day.

LOOK #1 - The first style is a wash and go with another curl enhancing product: As I Am - Curl Defining Jelly. It behaves similar to the Kinky Curly curling custard.  The main difference was that it dried within 4-5 hours - but left a white crunchy residue on my curls.  State of mind that day: tired...just needed a quick, presentable look.

Ingredients: water, aloe extract, beet root extract, glycerin, hydroxyethlycellulose, xanthan gum, pectin, acid, potassium sorbate, diazolidiny Urea (who?), Iodopropynyl butylcaramate (say what?) fragrance and limonene....
The texture is like jelly...goopy like the Kinky Curly custard
Right after application.  The instructions said to apply while dripping wet. 

2 hours after application....still wet......but curls are cute

8 hours after application....not wet.....but it looks wet....the curls were defined, but crunchy to the touch

Not too pleased with the crunch...yes that is smudged eye make up....It was a LONG day!

Crunch and white's dry....maybe I used too much?  But the curls were well defined.  Any less and I would have been looking like Django again...not sure if this product is for me.....
LOOK #2 - The second style is an heard me I pinned these curls up! :) Check it out! State of mind that day: "I need something new and different!"
Front view of the up do (check out my rhyming skills)

Side view

Other side

Other side again...with a peek of the fro on top...

Back/top view -'s not too short to pin up! :)

View from the top

Another back view...the flat twists in the back were challenging due to the various lengths of hair.  I had to redo them twice. In total it took about 25 minutes to complete this look.

LOOK #3 - This third look is my Flo Fro that has been washed, buttered (shea butter) picked and patted smooth while still damp (damp hair conforms better than dry - plus I can pick it out easier and prevent damage/breakage).  State of mind that day: easy freedom!
The smooth Flo Fro!

Side view

Close up!


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