
Friday, August 9, 2013

The Faux Hawk Remix

Hi Folks!

Since August is hair month on The Natural Journey For Life, I have been experimenting with various styles.  The main thing I've learned recently is that I can do A LOT with my hair right now!  I don't have to wear the same hair style until my tresses get longer like I thought I would! It's exciting!  Especially because I love tweaking and creating new looks.

I'm calling this new style the faux hawk remix.  It's composed of flat twist on the side with a chunky afro.  It's a bit of a change from my previous faux hawk, Flo fro and two stranded free twists. 

All I did was twist the sides, then the rest of my hair in thick sizeable twists.  I left it in overnight and released and finger combed the twist the next day.  It took about 30 minutes.  When I do the smaller twists it takes substantially longer (1 - 3 hours)! 

What do you think???

The side view (next time I'll use all black pins)

Front view...a little fuzzy...but you get the picture! It's chunky! :)
I'm almost ready to post the survey results! So far I've gotten excellent responses so a BIG thanks to all who have taken the time to share their stories!!  Click the link below to spill your hair guts too! :)
Click here to take the survey:
Peace and blessings!

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