
Monday, August 5, 2013

Mission Accomplished - The Jersey Girl Duathalon!!!!

Hi Folks!!

Yesterday was the Jersey Girl Tri/Duathalon!  I finished the race with gusto! I'm so happy I was able to compete this year! The race consisted of running 3.1 miles and biking 11 miles.  The atmosphere was filled with fun, encouragement (from all participants) and a WHOLE HEAP of  POSITIVE ENERGY.  It's the first race I've been in where other participants cheer you on...even when you pass them!  The running was the easiest part for me and like second nature.  I was in "compete" mode the minute the race started.   Next year it's on and popping again!!! :) In the meantime, I'll work on my biking skills.

Before the race right after the sun came was BEAUTIFUL day! Perfect for a race!!

After the race.....I'm smiling but it was tough! The last leg in the biking part, I had to stop and walk due to knee pain. 

Mo Mo and me! I had to stop biking due to knee pain, she passed me (along with  a host of others), then to put icing on the cake, I got lost in the transition area and could not find my bike rack!
But my competitive nature kicked in, and I passed her in the last mile of running! Bad knees and all!!! Love ya!! Great job homie!!!

The Crew! These ladies did an AWESOME job!!!!! We all made it!!! Whoop whoop!!
It was a good day! Glad I did it....time to start getting ready for next year!! :)

Peace and blessings!


Please share your thoughts, comments or questions! We are on this Journey TOGETHER!