
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I'm in Love With VT!

Have you ever visited a city or a state that made you feel warm and comfy?  I am in love with God,  my family...AND VERMONT!!!!!

I've never been to a state that fits my personality so much!  I feel like I'm in the center of the organic local food hub.  In the Burlington area you get hippie, academic, crunchy and a little bit of country.  There are fields of green things, tons of antique shops and enough syrup and cheese to put you in a coma.  Talk about supporting local communities, and local industries!

Supporting the local community....

Most of the food I've eaten has been from local farms and the variety of combinations and ingredients are vast and unique. 
Sword fish on a bed of carrots, sweet potato mash, topped with mango salsa, guacamole, and grapefruit
For some reason I feel REALLY comfortable in Vermont.  Every shop, restaurant, side walk and 100 year old building draws me in.  It's nice to see so much support for the local food community. I guess I like Vermont so much because I'm a closet hippie that loves uniquely weird and different food, clothes, ideas and environments.  While visiting  my new favorite state, a wall hanging caught my eye called "The Five Faces of Food".  Hunger. Flavor. Nourish. Nurture. Heal. My favorite "food face" was Heal.  You can read it favorite part of the commentary is this: "Just as illness and injury take many forms, there are many ways to heal.  Food can heal".  I believe this statement and know that we can heal our bodies by eating THE RIGHT FOOD.  Today a testimony of healing by eliminating a certain food was shared with me.  This person had the best health in 3 years according to his doctor.......just from changing his diet! Amazing! Food. Can. Heal.

I will try to make Vermont an annual summer or fall destination.  I have more to explore!!

Is there a new place you've been to that makes you feel warm and comfy?

Peace and blessings!


  1. Vermont seems very interesting and progressive. What do you think about this website someone recently sent me soup receipes from the vegetarian times mag, I looked up the author of the article and found this website.

  2. Hi Dianne! Yes...I was amazed at how many restaurants supported local organic food! It was awesome! I'll check out the website and let you know what I think. Did you try out any recipes yet?


Please share your thoughts, comments or questions! We are on this Journey TOGETHER!