
About Me!

Hi Folks!

Thanks for joining the Natural Journey For Life! This Journey is all about finding natural alternatives to everyday needs. 

I always considered myself a healthy person.  I played various sports throughout high school and college and never had any chronic health issues -- besides sports related injuries.  I suffered from dry scalp, dry skin, knee problems and that's about the extent of my "health issues".  Growing up my mother limited the consumption of junk food, but as a teenager and young adult I gorged on McDonald's, and every chip and cookie you can imagine.  But I still maintained a relatively healthy diet and no other health related issues arose.

My Natural Journey really got started when I had a son who was diagnosed with multiple protein allergies.  He spit up for the first 6 months of life and only gained 3 pounds in 9 months to a year.  He is allergic to: soy, dairy, nuts, peanuts, wheat, rye, barley and eggs.  The pediatricians we were going to were of no help and just wanted to push cortisone and Zyrtec for his budding eczema problems.  They could not offer any nutrition advice and I felt helpless. 

It was then that I began to research digestive issues, allergy free meals, and plant based nutrition for babies and toddlers. The Journey was born!!  We found alternative health care in the form of herbalists and acupressure, alternative food choices that were extremely nourishing, and alternative skin treatments to heal eczema the natural way. 

Folks....these last two years have shown me that alternatives EXIST and WORK.  If we go back to the basics our families will benefit greatly and live better lives. 

I will admit, making everything from scratch takes time...but it's worth it.  This blog chronicles Caleb's healing journey and my internal journey towards a better life.  I've been enlightened on the practice of raw foodism, the necessity of detoxification and allowing my body to heal itself.  I'm more self aware and want to share my knowledge with others who need another way.

If you are out there and have a child who cannot eat what "regular" people eat.....first look at it as a blessing.  Caleb's body cannot tolerate junk...which is good for him in the long run.  People ask me all the time: "what DOES Caleb eat"? And it feels so good to give a list of 30 to 40 things he can eat despite the limitations we face. 

I studied Food Science (B.S.) and Chemical Engineering (M.S.) in college, but my REAL purpose in life is to share what we've discovered on this Journey to help others live better lives.  It's not always easy to break bad habits but it can be done with determination and commitment! 

I pray our journey will touch your life in a meaningful way! 

Peace and blessings!


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