
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Two Week Juice Challenge!

Hi Folks!! I've embarked upon yet another challenge! Juicing for two weeks straight!  This is not a juice fast. I repeat: this is not a juice fast.  I will be eating solid food.  But I'll be replacing one meal a day with juice.

I invited others to join the challenge and so far there are about 15 of us! I've realized the importance of juicing and I want to incorporate it into my life...............PERMANENTLY............! There are too many benefits that I don't want to miss out on.

I have friends and family that need some juice in their lives we are juicing it up!! The participants that do not have juicers are making smoothies instead.  Remember folks juicing is a good way to get essential vitamins and minerals into your body. Juicing gives your digestive system a break and can boost your immune system!

Here is what I've been drinking this week (It's quite the rainbow!):

Cucumber Ginger - Cucumber (2), romaine lettuce (1/2 head), green grapes (1 cup), green apples (3), oranges (3), ginger (2 inches), lemon (1/2 with peel)

V7 - Celery (5 ribs), kale (1/2 bunch), carrots (5), tomatoes (4), red bell pepper (1), lemon (1 with peel), ginger (2 inches) -Next time I'll add 5 more carrots to this juice. 

Watermelon Cilantro - watermelon (3 cups), romaine lettuce (1/3 bunch), cilantro (1 bunch), red grapes (2 cups), blackberries (1/2 cup) - This juice was DIVINE!!!!!!! LOVED IT SO MUCH I DIDN'T WANT TO SHARE!
Try the recipes out and tell me what you think!!!

Happy juicing!

Peace and love!

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