
Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Hair Journey: The Clean Up Job

Hey Folks!  Ever had a twist out experience that just went really wrong?  Well I did and had to find a way to "fix" or "clean up" the mess before I went to work.  I looked like a chia pet. I call it the chia fro.   Seriously! So I created this quick up do so I could be presentable and not embarrass my family. LOL! Just call me the clean up woman!

So here is what I started with.........
The chia fro. It's can was a hot mess........
Then I started parting the hair into sections and doing a combination of bantu knots and flat twists  on the sides and back.  The top and front was re-twisted and released.  Total time: 20 minutes.  Plus I wore my hair like this for the next three days.  I just refreshed the knots every morning. 
Back view

Side view

Other side....

Whew! I pulled it off! Time to start the day!

Just because you start of with a bad twist out or afro (or any other style) doesn't mean it has to stay that way or that you have to wash it out (especially if you don't have time for all of that).  If you get creative you can "fix" it or "clean it up" and come out with something quite cute.  I could have also used a headband wrap to tame the chia fro but I didn't feel like looking like Sarafina (not that there is anything wrong with looking like Sarafina....I just wasn't feeling the Sarafina vibe that particular day).  It's not always easy to find a quick fix for natural hair gone wrong, but YOU CAN do it! Or spend the day looking like the person that doesn't have any friends.  Been there too! LOL!
Tell me about your "clean up" experiences!!
Peace and love!

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