
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snacking on the Daniel Fast: Roasted Chick Peas

One easy thing about this Daniel Fast is that the snacks don't have to be raw. It just takes time to prepare and plan to make sure the right food is readily available.....I won't be eating cold cereal for dinner any time soon!

So, to stay on track I made roasted chick peas for the first time and they were delicious (and Caleb approved)!!

Whatever you want to call them: chick peas, garbanzo beans or chana...these legumes are versatile, delicious and packed with nutrition!

Roasted Chick Peas - full recipe:
1/2 bag of dry chick peas (soaked, boiled and dried)
seasoned salt
Italian seasoning
onion powder
olive oil
fresh garlic

Here's how I did it:

Step 1 - boil the chick peas after soaking over night for about 20 minutes.
Step 2 - dry chick peas using paper towels.

Step 3 - Add seasoning to olive oil (turmeric, seasoned salt, Italian seasoning, cumin, onion powder).  You can use any spices you want.

Step 4 - Add boiled chick peas to oil and spices.  Mix thoroughly.

Whoops...... don't forget to add the fresh garlic!!!

Step 5 - lay the chick peas on a baking dish in one layer.  Bake on 375 deg F for about 45 minutes or until the peas are golden brown and crispy.
 Step 6 - Enjoy!!! may have to add more seasoning after they cool. Next time I will add more salt, cumin and turmeric.  You can also do a sweet version with cinnamon, sugar and nutmeg. 

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