
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Ravishing Radish!

Participating in the CSA this year has opened my eyes and taste buds to a variety of veggies that I have never eaten. I feel a huge responsibility to use every bit of each week's delivery. So off I went figure out what to do with the RADISH.  In looking for what to with my CSA radishes, I've learned that this veggie is a powerhouse for liver and gall bladder function.  Here are 5 reasons why you should eat more of this root veggie.

1. Displays cancer fighting ability by impeding cellular mutations
2. Increases bile production
3. Facilitates gallbladder drainage
4. Helps prevent slow or difficult digestion
5. Helps with sinusitis and bronchitis due to the mucus softening properties

Sounds ravishing to me!! :)

I decided to be adventurous and create a side dish using the daikon radish I got in my CSA box. I searched for recipes online and created a variation of what I found.

Spicy Roasted Daikon Radish

3 daikon radish
3 large carrots
1 cup of sliced leeks
2 sliced jalapeno peppers
Salt to taste
Red pepper flakes to taste
2 TBS of olive oil
Balsamic vinegar to taste

1. Slice all veggies thinly
2. Place on baking sheet
3. Toss with olive oil, salt and pepper
4. Bake in oven for 20 minutes at 350F
5. Add balsamic vinegar and bake for an additional 5 minutes.

Prep stages

Pre and post baking

My next radish dish will be more on the raw side.  Just like with any fruit or vegetable....the raw version gives more of a powerful punch! 

Anyone ever juiced a radish???

Peace and blessings!

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