
Monday, December 23, 2013

In Pursuit of a Curl Pattern: Caring for Children's Curls

Hi Folks! It's been a while since we've heard from Kiki but she's back to give us an update on her curl pattern pursuit.  She's also sharing techniques on how she cares for her beautiful children's curly hair.  We will call them Princess K and Princess J. 
Here is Kiki in her own words.
Wow,  I am at Day 80!  NO HEAT!   Yeah, I am still wearing protective styles.  Here is the latest one.  My curl pattern has double to about 3 inches.  Wahoo!  But, all I can do is wait and keep wearing these protective styles - NO BIG CHOP for me.  So, I turn my attention to Princess K and Princess J.  They have beautiful curl patterns and I am green with envy.
Day 80 - protective style
Let's start with Princess K:

Princess K's hair is easy peesy. The only non-positive thing about it is that it is somewhat fine.  So when it's is straightened, it can look limp and thin.  Otherwise Princess K has wash and go hair.  It doesn't take much heat to straighten, curl,  and blow dry.   Her hair is a soft, pliable grade.  It response well to any shampoo, conditioner, mousse, gel... whatever...  I can wash her every every week and spend less than 2 hours, start to finish.   This is the style that we do when she is wearing her hair natural.  I wash it, condition it, detangle with big tooth comb, add a curling product.  Most any curl enhancing product will work well.  This time we used Tahlia Waajid Curly Curl Cream.  This and this is what happens.  Easy! 

Princess K's wash and go curls
Princess J is another story: 
Her hair is very thick and it requires that you use the "right" products for deep conditioning and detangling.  It takes me several hours to do Princess J's hair.   You have to used a multi -phased approach to get to the desired result.  Fortunately, I discovered that Bees Wax works wonders on her natural tresses.   I started sectioning her hair after blow drying it, applying some Bees Wax and twisting it. I did this once a week.  

Princess J's freshly washed and twisted hair using Beeswax
 After the 3rd week of doing this, I noticed that her hair was very soft  and had a nice sheen to it.  After washing her hair it was far less tangled.  I have been using the same products on her hair for years, so I know that it was the Bees Wax!    AMAZING! 
Great progress Kiki and your children are ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!  Thank you for sharing with us! I love the fact that you are keeping their hair natural. 
Stay posted!  There's more to come from this family of curlies!
Peace and blessings!

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