
Thursday, August 29, 2013

I love my Natural Hair!!!

Hi Folks!!

Hair month is almost over on The Natural Journey For Life!  I've had a ball this month with sharing your stories and getting the inside scoop on your natural hair journey! As the month closes I want to finish sharing the results from the "Spill your Hair Guts" survey.  In the questionnaire you answered a very important question: What do you like about your natural hair?

Personally,  I LOVE my natural hair because it is so versatile.  I have more styles now than I did when I was hooked on the creamy crack.  I love to feel my curls and manipulate my tresses. It feels good to have the hair that I was born with.  I honestly feel close to my African I have accepted who I am as a Black's empowering!!! No matter who likes it or not! :)  12 years ago when I cut my perm off I received comments like this:  "You need to perm that mess" and "I liked it better straight".  Even when I used to straightened it, I seemed to get more compliments:  "Oh! your hair looks so pretty!" I would respond: "It didn't look pretty before?" SMH. 

Here's what you told me:

"I did like the flexibility - even being able to go straight (for a the winter!) but since I've had locs, I'd have to say the convenience! If I have been scrutinized, I don't know it!"

"Style flexibility. No I'm not scrutinized."
"I love that my hair is healthy and thick"
"I love everything about my hair!  In the beginning a lot of comments were made".
"Love the versatility. I am not overtly scrutinized but I know people have their opinions."
"The fact that it is natural, expresses a part of who l am.  I  got more compliments when I wore locs."
"I love the natural curls/coils and the versatility. Overall, I've received positive feedback from all walks of life. A few weird comments, like are you supporting cancer when I BC'd and you remind me of a cartoon character, but overall showers of amazement."
"I love the texture of my hair, its my antenna to the universe."
"The variety of styles I can have."
Since natural hair is so popular it's easy to find style and product ideas EVERYWHERE! There are tons of blogs, vlogs and Face Book pages dedicated to natural hair.  All the information, techniques, and terminology can be overwhelming for me at times, but I love the fact that Black women are SO empowered and comfortable in their own hair (and skin)!
I love my natural hair yall!!!! :)
The curly fro-hawk - this time around I used smaller twists (hard to see).

Different pose....I"ve been told my one "look" is getting boring! I'm going to start jazzing it up! Get ready! :)

It was a rainy day...but I liked the extra puff the humidity gave me.

Yes...I'm at work.....................................ignore the back drop! lol!

Oh! I also found an awesome resource for products: Curl Mart! No body told me!!! It's an online store for curly hair ( 
Why do YOU love your natural hair??
Peace and blessings!


  1. Not there yet. Will be a year in Sept. it sucks. LOL. Getting it straightened next month.

    1. Nene, I don't think that you should straighten your hair! Have you considered coils or twist? Your hair is growing and would great like that, I think. NO?

  2. What!!! NOOOOOOOO! Don't straighten it Jeana! Well okay if you insist...but does straight mean perm or pressing comb?

  3. I am with Jeana on this one, sis. I don't plan to perm mine, but what a mess. I used to laugh at people whose hair looked like mine. Time, health and money are keeping me from getting into the salon schedule again, and I am often tempted to use the shaver again. I wish I felt more free to embrace a wig. Love your hair!

    1. I have experienced those times where I was like: "I look a hot mess and said I would never go out of the house like this...." Because like you I would see people and say: "why didn't someone tell her to fix that before leaving the house?!".....I have looked like Django in chains walking around here at times, but it can take awhile to find the right mix of techniques, styles and products for your natural hair. You have to be your own hair guru or expert and find ways to cope. I like to use scarves or other accessories when I'm feeling chained by my curls. I'm not a wig person and I have too much hair for most hats so head wraps and scarves suit me well. Hope this helps! Keep at it! You can do it! :)


Please share your thoughts, comments or questions! We are on this Journey TOGETHER!