
Friday, July 26, 2013

The Food Journey: Really Raw Nachos!

I finally had my first raw food restaurant experience (Raw Sausage?).  I was pumped up! Everything on the menu made my mouth water but I didn't choose the pulled burdock burrito or any of the action packed salads -  I chose something basic that I could compare to my favorite cooked appetizer: NACHOS!  Gooey, cheesy, peppery NACHOS!

The Food:
This restaurant had both cooked and raw foods - all fresh and organic.  The nachos were made of sunflower seed refried beans, cashew sour cream, cashew nacho cheese, guacamole, corn salsa and jalapeno peppers on corn and flaxseed chips.  Here's what the nachos looked like:


Was it Tasty?
Although the presentation was amazing...I was not as impressed by the taste.  It was not bad (as you can see I cleaned my plate), but there were some key flavors missing that made it just an okay meal. I felt deflated....especially since we've made tastier raw dishes at home.  With all the time and fresh ingredients it takes to make raw meals, these were the most expensive nachos I've ever had - yet another reason to clean my plate...can't afford to waste money!

Which version of nachos tasted better (cooked or raw)? Cooked! But I know the raw version provided A LOT more just needed a flavor boost.

I'm still glad I chose the restaurant, and I may give it another go but I WILL NOT be ordering the nachos!!

I'll be making my own RAW nachos at home....:)

Peace and blessings!

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