
Thursday, June 13, 2013

THE WATER FAST.....3 things I did to cope..

Ya'll would be proud of me!  I survived the water fast with flying colors.  My day was pretty easy and I didn't feel hungry for food AT ALL!  When I wanted something to fill my belly I took out my lemon water.  I even ran 3 miles and lifted weights.  However, I ended up trimming my reps down from 3 to 2 towards the end of the workout...I started feeling a tad bit weak.  But overall pretty energetic!

When I left work the hunger pangs started in on me.  I finally ate some raw chicken noodle soup around 7pm. 
Breakfast, lunch, snack, early dinner......

The water fast breaker - raw "chicken" noodle soup
Then I ate some cantaloupe..........

And I had 3 potato chips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just three though!!! LOL!

I am proud of my accomplishment!  I have never completed ANY fast.  Granted this fast was for one day, but I'm happy about it.

What got me through it? Thanks for asking....

1. I had a made up mind.  I possessed the determination to see the challenge through.  The mind is a POWERFUL tool.

2. I didn't focus on food.  When lunch time hit, I was outdoors (being chased by cicadas - have MERCY!!) going for a run. I avoided even smelling other people's lunch.

3. I had support.  I knew others were doing it with me.  I also was texting a friend throughout the day to keep me laughing.

I know now that I can do ANYTHING I set my mind to DO.

Now I have no excuse to GET IT TOGETHER!! I have shown myself that self determination and self control is available for me to tap into.

Peace and blessings!


  1. Raw chicken noodle soup???

  2. Yep...sounds interesting right?? There was no chicken involved instead mushrooms and carrots were used and the broth was seasoned with turmeric, ginger, salt and other unknown items. It was quite tasty!


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