
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rebellion in Raw Food Land (30 Day Challenge - Part 6)


I had a wake up call today (just now actually).  All day I had a spirit of rebellion towards living in Raw Food Land. There was almost a coup at lunchtime as pizza from one of my favorite local joints was ordered for a lunch meeting.  I called myself being prepared by having a salad ready...but the revolution was already beginning because I added a vegan veggie burger to my salad to "jazz" it give me a different mouth spice it up a lil!

The rebellion:
Pizza (especially from my favorite places) is a TRIGGER for me! As posted on The Food Journey: Eating Out, this sista right here can eat a whole pizza without any assistance!

Even though I was tempted, I did not partake in the pizza resting just a few feet away.  The salad (with the veggie burger) was actually quite satisfying. 

I have something else to tell you:  Last night I ate potato chips....more than three! This morning I finished Caleb's soup (it was only 2-3 tablespoons left) because I didn't want to throw it away!

I confess! I have been weak!  I let my mind cravings hijack my commitment to the challenge.  I consumed things I should not have. I don't feel guilty, just slightly hypocritical, but now I have a new resolve to finish this challenge strong. 

Every attachment to food has been tested during this challenge.  I'm spent....but not willing to let the rebels in my mind take complete control.  I'm calling in the reserves and fortifying the castle. 

Who pulled the fire alarm?
What led to this wake up call?  Well, I started following a blog called The Raw Raw Life
and the author, Carla, has been doing a 30 day juice fast during the entire month of June.  Her post today was EXACTLY what I NEEDED to HEAR! She reintroduced me to why I started this challenge in the first place:  to have a better life!

It's time to focus!
Wake up ya'll!  If you are making life changes to heal yourself and to straighten up your life, don't turn back! Employ radical practices to catapult you to the gold mine of excellent health. Keep moving toward the positive goal and enjoy the blessings you will receive by getting through the hard parts.

I am a witness that bad habits CAN change! You can do better. Positive change, although hard to do, is worth it for a better body and better health which ultimately leads to a better life.

I want a life as healthy and vibrant as this beautiful red rose!  It's going to take some work to get there, but I'm moving in the right direction!

5 more days!  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

Has anyone ever struggled with making life changes for health reasons?  How did you do it?

Peace and blessings!


  1. Its not a struggle for me because I love feeling better than I did before, don't have to be counting calories and all that foolishness, I have no health concerns, and with anything else the more you practice it the easier it gets.

  2. I'm glad you made the right changes and are experiencing great health! What an immense blessing!!

    I agree! Practice makes perfect and like anything else lifestyle changes require practice, practice, practice to re-wire years of unhealthy behavior. Eventually good habits will be formed and you will begin to implement a healthier lifestyle. It will become second nature. That's my goal. To not even DESIRE the things that are harmful to my body.

    Thanks for sharing!


Please share your thoughts, comments or questions! We are on this Journey TOGETHER!