
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Eating out during the 30 Day Raw Food Challenge......

Hi Folks -

Today I met a few friends at an Italian restaurant for dinner.

Prior to arriving I had some thoughts running through my head: "What do I eat?"  "I love me some bread!" Ya'll know me - if I get a whiff of pizza there's no telling what I will do (The Food Journey: Eating Out)!

Well I'm happy to report that I stuck to eating salad...and more salad....and even more salad! It was a family style restaurant so there was plenty of salad!

As a strategy to thwart any temptations that may show up,  I bulked up on watermelon and cantaloupe prior to leaving my house.  I figured I would already be pretty full by the time I got to the restaurant.  It also helped that others ordered food that was not my favorite (shrimp pasta, calamari, etc.), so the desire to munch....or snatch a taste didn't arise. 

I was fortunate that this restaurant had salad...what if I get invited to a burger joint with no salads on the menu? Do I decline?  Do I go and have them put the burger fixings on a plate for me?  How much would that cost I wonder........?

I know that the previous challenges I've put myself through such as Airplane Food (part 1 - 5) and (Detoxification: Small brush..Large impact) have helped my self control and discipline. YES! Fist pump!! Progress! And that's what it's all about....progressing, growing, changing into a better person.  Even on Day #8 I have a feeling of accomplishment.

My next test will be later this month, where I'll meet up with some folks at a French joint.  Let's see what happens!!!

Peace and blessings!

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