
Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Hair Journey: Tress update #3

Time for another tress update! hair is growing up a storm.  I've mostly been doing the wash and go style with curls by Taliah Waajid (TW). I attempted a chunky fro style which consists of  twisting my hair, releasing the twists, coming the twist through with my fingers and keeping some texture...but I need to tweak that look some more. It wasn't "right". 

Here is the picked out afro version:

There is some definite growth since the last update I gave in April (Tress Update #2).  I even wore this afro to work a few weeks ago.  It was patted down and a bit more shapely than what is pictured above.  I call it my Florida Evans Fro (aka the Flo Fro).  I felt so liberated rocking the Flo Fro!  After preparing for my Flo Fro debut (picked out...patted, shaped up) I entered the kitchen where my supportive child Caleb was and he looked at my hair and simply said: "NO".  I can't make this up folks!!!  The next day after the same preparation someone who will go unnamed said:  "Make sure you comb your hair before you go to work" love!! They knew the fro was fresh (haters) so I rocked it proudly!! :)

Caleb finally came around on day #2.  At work I got one comment: "Looks like you're growing your hair out" and there were some side looks.  LOL! 

Here is the curly look:

This is the curl pattern I get when I used the curly crème by TW.  It works best when applied to damp, clean hair.  It holds the curl pattern all day and only gets "frizzy" if I start playing with it.

I'm debating getting braids for the summer.......

My girlfriend keeps standing me up so we have not had our Hair Share yet.  My barber played me to the left I'm going solo for now with the help of various blogs and websites to help get my creative juices flowing.  No new products to share at the moment.

Any ideas on what I could do next??


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