
Monday, April 1, 2013

The Food Journey - Raw Burrito!

Hi Folks!!

This weekend I made my first raw meatballs.  They were pretty good.  Caleb ate them and enjoyed that was a plus!

Today I decided to use a recipe from for a raw burrito. 

I made the meatballs this morning and added them to the burrito:

Meat balls on collard leaf
Ingredients for the meatballs:
sunflower seeds
pumpkin seeds
sun dried tomatoes
herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro, basil)
olive oil

All ingredients were added to a food processor until a smooth consistency was reached.  The meatballs sat in the dehydrator for 6 hours.  Tasty!!  This recipe is a variation from the one illustrated in the class a few weeks ago (Raw Sausage?? You're asking for food poisoning).  I improvised by leaving out the nuts and adding more spices so Caleb could eat them too.

Then I assembled my burrito using a collard leaf (removing the large stem for ease of folding).

The start of the burrito
The fixings included: special sauce (red pepper, zucchini, garlic, sesame seeds, salt, jalapeno pepper, lemon juice and pineapple pureed in a blender) avocado, tomatoes, cilantro, alfalfa sprouts, green onions, white onions.  You can add anything you have a vibe for.

Burrito fully assembled...waiting for me to fold it and eat it!
This meal is packed with vitamins, minerals and tasti-ness! The collard leaf was quite bland.  I was expecting it to be a bit punchy like kale. 
I also made a smoothie I called: Cilantro Surprise. 
Ingredients for the smoothie:
2 champagne mangoes (peeled)
2 kiwi (peeled)
1 1/2 cup cilantro
2 Tbs chia seeds
1/4 cup frozen pineapple
Alkaline water to desired consistency
Cilantro Surprise...note the tangerines are not in the smoothie..just the picture! :)
Caleb loved the Cilantro Surprise! Which surprised me..he almost drank the whole thing!!
Cilantro (or Chinese parsley) is one of my favorite herbs.  The seeds are termed coriander and the leaves are known as cilantro.  It's very versatile and has such an energizing flavor.  Cilantro is good for: fevers, digestion issues, fiber and vitamins.  It's one of those herbs that you really like or find extremely repulsive.  I love it!
Cilantro goodness!
Cilantro up this week...if you love it like I do!
Peace and blessings!!

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