
Monday, April 8, 2013

The Food Journey: Eating out

I must admit I have not had cravings for meat (of any kind).  But I'm still struggling with eating certain "goodies" and Papa John's pizza (I ate a whole pizza by my self!!!!!!!!). Mind you, this is the first time I've had pizza in over 4 months!

The junk situation is not as bad as it was.  Due to a stressful work environment I was eating snickers or M&Ms to calm down at least once or twice a week .  If you've read my recent post: The Health Journey: 11 Ways to Eliminate Stress, then you know I've been doing better.  The pizza thing was this weekend.......I still don't know WHAT I was thinking!!

Please note: Judgement is not necessary...I've already taken care of that.  :)

Cravings are controllable despite how powerful they seem!!!  But I have not arrived at that point yet.  I'm getting there!

Anyways, there are so many ways you can eat well while dining out. 

I had lettuce tacos and avocado wrappers at a local restaurant the other day.  I was satisfied, not overly full and quite pleased with the taste profile for both dishes. 

Eating right is good for the soul and there is no guilt associated with it.  If the food is extra tasty that's even better! 

Lettuce tacos...quite tasty!!!

Lettuce tacos or Thai lettuce wraps can be easily made at home too.  All you need is a rocking sauce and any veggies you like. 
Anyone out there struggling with unhealthy food cravings?  Feel like outing yourself?? :)
Peace and blessings!!

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