
Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Art Journey: A Soulful Poem

Poetry is an art form. A way of expressing your innermost thoughts.  Expression is key to living a healthy life.  You can't keep stuff bottled up.  Ever see a blown gasket?  Freedom is the key to a positive state of mind. Self expression = freedom.  Here is a soulful poem I wrote over 5 years ago. 

State of Mind

Sadness is a state of immobilizing emotion....a replay of hurts, complexities, uncomfortable situations....

When will it subside and give way to happiness? When will it be replaced by unequivocal joy? Joy/happiness and sadness...they are opposites. 

Opposites that give way to opposites displays of strength, understanding and comfort.  However opposite...the soul inside seems as if it shouldn't be swayed by either...

The core of a man...the core of a woman.  Man and woman who have been created by the breath of God...their souls should be anchored to an everlasting ever anchored peace......

Sadness, happiness, joy, peace.  State of Mind.


I want to hear back from you guys! What is your favorite mode of expression?

The King of Banana Land expressing himself as a lion


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