
Monday, April 29, 2013

Singing: Summer Summer Summer Time!

Summer is approaching and we'll finally be able to spend more time outdoors (for those of us who live in countries and regions of the US where winter just wont' quit)!
I'm looking forward to getting outside more and enjoying nature.  Being outside in nature is one of the best things you can do for your health.  Yes, these days we live in a polluted world.  The air we breathe is not as clean as it used to be...Green house gases are tearing up the earth's atmosphere making the sun "dangerous".....and in certain neighborhoods people don't pick up their dog's poop!
But there is something about the great outdoors, the smells and sounds of summer, the memories of riding bikes all day (literally all day!) and coming home when it gets dark, the smell of track practice, the bumping of car stereos.....the sight of people sitting on the stoop watching others go all warms my heart. 
As the summer season approaches make sure you find yourself outside more than you are inside....get some air, sun and a refreshing breeze (while there is still a refreshing breeze to be had -- I know some of ya'll live in the Dirty South and the heat and humidity can be unbearable there). We had a loooooong winter in the North East of the US.  Not sure what this summer has in store for us, but I'm ready! I am definitely a summer lover!
Make sure you take nature walks at nearby parks:


 Grab a patch of sand on a beach:

 Visit a local farm to see where fruits, vegetables and even livestock come from:

Take a quick nap under some trees (or not!):

Or get on some roller blade or skates and burn some calories!

However you decide to get out there...just enjoy! Take a look at God's creation.  Marvel at the intricacies of His work.  Be thankful you can still see the awesome colors and feel the earth between your toes!

Get active: play tennis, go bike riding, have picnics, go to outdoor concerts and plays, start a garden, throw a BBQ and serve smoothies from recipes on this blog (smiling!) the list is endless.

Also remember to get the air circulating in your house on pleasant days.  Turn off the AC and let nature roam around in your home.  If you find yourself at work all day, eat lunch outside or take a walking break (outside). 

The best part of the day to breathe in the "freshest air" is when the sun is starting it's assent.  Fresh, crisp air goes a long way in the morning!

Peace and blessings!

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