
Friday, April 12, 2013

Natural Cold Remedies

Hi Folks -

Today was a stay at home in bed all day and rest day.  I'm not feeling too hot.  It started with a migraine (yesterday evening) and an upset stomach and cough today.  I seemed to have caught the bug that many are struggling with as we finally let go of the winter baggage.

I didn't pop any pills or down any red, green or blue liquid.  Instead I took the alternative route. 

I burned eucalyptus and rosemary oil with cloves for the migraine and slept.  I think the sleep had more effect on the headache than the oils.  I got some relief but the pain was not totally eliminated.

I took some "Cold and Flu" herbal tea for the cough and impending congestion. 

I made some ginger and peppermint tea for the upset stomach and lemon water for an extra boost of vitamin C.  I grated up the ginger and boiled it for a few minutes.  I added peppermint leaves to the steeping stage for another 10 minutes.  I strained the mixture and drank it while warm.

I have also been taking a immune booster called: SUPER TONIC  from Herbal Bush House(pictured below).  It's a blend of garlic, onions, horseradish and other proprietary stuff.  It's actually quite tasty!

I slept for hours today!!! Much needed rest will ALWAYS do a body good!

I'm happy to report: the migraine is gone (feeling a little twinge coming on now though) and the upset stomach was quenched with the ginger/peppermint tea (need another dose).

I'm unhappy to report: the cough is getting worse so I need more goodies in my system.  This will be a quiet weekend!

Cold and Flu herbal tea

Fresh ginger root and lemon

Super tonic - from Herbal Bush House

Hope and pray you will stay cold free!

Peace and blessings!

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