
Friday, March 22, 2013

Hain Celestial: ‘Chia is red hot… Coconut's been on fire’

For those of us who know chia as being more than the:  chi chi chi chia! pet this post from Hain Celestial is no surprise.

Hain Celestial: ‘Chia is red hot… Coconut's been on fire’

Chi Chi Chi Chia! Pet

I was introduced to chia as a food source about two years ago.  It's one of the best seeds you can eat.  You can buy it at Whole Foods Market and many other health food stores.  You can use it in smoothies, shakes, as a porridge, in sauces, and in juice, for baking and in soups.  The possibilities are really endless.  The seeds are tiny and upon hydration look like they are surrounded by gelatin.

Dry chia seeds
Hydrated chia seeds

Here are some statistics for this tiny seed:
  • Rich in minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus)
  • High in protein (4.4g/serving = 9% recommended daily value (RDV))
  • Good source of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
  • High in fiber (18 g/serving = 42% RDV)
  • The gel has an anti-inflammatory properties
In the grocery stores chia can be found in energy bars, breakfast cereals, packaged juices, bakery products and a host of other items.  Try it this weekend in a smoothie.  Some people use it for weight loss since it contains so much fiber.  The best way to consume chia is the simplest way.
Chia smoothie

Chia breakfast pudding

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